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2 min readJan 12, 2021

Apart from it’s official forum, there are a number of other WordPress dedicated forums, run by developers, where one can ask queries and get solutions to problems.

SEO — Search engine friendly

Google, and all modern search engines, show and rank websites on the basis of various predefined parameters found within the pages of each website. The more parameters you successfully fulfil, the better your website ranks in the search results.

Good news! WordPress has been designed from the get go to comply with Google’s algorithms and standards. Web sites using WordPress are indexed by Google a lot easier, helping them to appear when people search for key terms related to them.

Because of this, it makes it easier for SEO specialists to work within WordPress’s framework to get better results in the endless effort to rank higher.

Popular 76 Million sites

WordPress is entirely open-source and powers around 76 million websites across the world.

This isn’t just blogs and small websites though! WordPress is used by many of the world’s leading brands: Bruce Springsteen, The Rolling Stones, Mercedes Benz, The Dallas Mavericks and Sony Music to name a few.

Virtually every modern creative or digital agency has adopted the platform, with some even building their business around it!

Easy to use and customise

WordPress is growing fast and one of the main reasons is it’s easy to use for the end user.

There are inbuilt facilities for blog publishing, user management, comments, RSS feeds, revisions and possibilities for custom modules are endless; eCommerce, sign-up forms, download areas, photo galleries etc.

Each of these modules has an easy-to-use, user-friendly interface in the backend, making it extremely simple for a website owner to update their content without having to call on a developer each time.

Responsive and mobile friendly tablet

Its dynamic nature means once you’re using WordPress, you’ll never need to move your website again.

If you assume all your customers are visiting your website from a desktop computer they need Responsive web design services, think again. Mobile website usage is exploding. If your site doesn’t look great and work well on a smartphone or tablet, your customers may leave your site and go somewhere else.

Most WordPress themes (both premium or custom-made) are designed to be responsive (mobile-friendly), meaning your customers won’t face any difficulties using your website on their touch screen devices.

The WordPress dashboard is designed to work on smartphones as well as desktop computers — so you can easily manage your website on the go.

Visit More: drupal development services

